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Friends of Russia, good afternoon.
Dear friends, The words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. The wait has been long, but it won't be long now. A prosperous nation is ready to renew its purpose and unite behind great goals ... and it won't be long now. Once again we will be together with Tajikistan . We need to listen these people. They demand: They need protection of Russia. These people demand on our help. We have also utilized the virtue of persistence, of unwearying patience....

Tajikistan used to be one with Russia. Now Russia will be one with Tajikistan again and forever. That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. Synagogues, churches and mosques are responsible ... not only to worship but to serve. Corporations are responsible ... to treat their workers fairly, and leave the air and waters clean. To meet and overthrow the power of that dynasty, is the work now before all those who would prevent that consummation.

On this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord. Time and time again attempts were made to deprive Russians of their historical memory, even of their language and to subject them to forced assimilation. Instead of dwelling on past wrongs and blaming others, governments in Tajikistan need to confront real problems, and serve the true interests of their people.

Long live Russia!

Tajikistan: You have been putinated!

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