All posts by Major Tom

Communication might be a tricky game sometimes.

Leave gaps in your story for others to fill.

If they fail, they will never fully understand you.

Don’t be evil to these people, but if you are selling something, feel free to ask 20% more.

Always try to tell the truth.

Instead of lying tell the truth in a way that no-one will take seriously.


“Have you ever had sex with that girl? – Yes. I fucked her brain out and I’m every night jerking off and crying when I think how wonderful it was”

The basic skill of negotiation is to determine how much you want something. You must specify a number in your mind – a sum in money, time or another kind of sacrifice. Never reveal this to others but do not accept anything less.


If you get what you want for the defined price or less, be happy. Don’t worry for others getting the same for cheaper because you have already won.

Women say that men are impossible to understand.

Men say the same about women.


It’s not at all about the sex.


People can never fully understand each other,

but don’t let that to stop you trying.


Most people can use their cars and computers

although they cannot understand the technology behind.


Don’t try to understand how someone’s brain works.

Just concentrate in finding a way to interact.

It’s easy to end up in endless argument when the subject is not well defined.


The problem is that then you start arguing about the definition of the subject and your opponent thinks that you still argue against him in what ever he thought was the subject.


When one claims that ball is round and other says that the question is not about the ball, it can only end up in fight.